Change song title / composer / style / key
Go to a song and tap the Edit (pencil) button on the top right corner and tap on Edit.In the Editor, tap on the "i" Info button to edit the ...
Change song title / composer / style / key
Go to a song and tap the Edit (pencil) button on the top right corner and tap on Edit.In the Editor, tap on the "i" Info button to edit the ...
Change song title / composer / style / key
Go to a song and click the Edit (pencil) button on the top right corner.In the Editor window, you can edit the song's Title, Composer, Style...
Chord symbols used in iReal Pro
“-” = minor“^” or “∆” triangle = major 7“o” (circle) = dim = diminished"o^" = o^7“ø” (circle with a slash) = half-diminished (min7b5)“add2” ...
Editor's Buttons
Go to a song and tap the Edit (pencil) button on the top right corner and tap on Edit, Duplicate or create a new song from a template. ...
Editor's Buttons
Select a song then either click the Edit (pencil) button on the top right corner and click Edit Song, or use the key command, Cmd-E.Edit pan...
Old Editor's Buttons
(iReal Pro 2021.6 or Android 5 or older) Go to a song and tap the Edit (pencil) button on the top right corner and tap on Edit or hold on s...
Smaller chord font
Tap on the song and open the Editor (pencil button).The two buttons ‘S’ (small) and ‘N’ (normal) allow you to change the size of the chords ...
Indicate repeated measures
The first 8 measures will play twice. Make sure in your charts to always pair an open repeat bar line with a closing one.You can also add a ...
Chord spacing in the Editor
The player can read measures of different length, but the chords within the measure need to be properly spaced to indicate what beat they oc...
Repeat endings & texts (D.S. & D.C. al Coda)
Commonly used Repeat Text Indications are included in the editors to assist you.iOS, Android - Tap on the horizontal lines icon in Text edit...
Chord chart length
The iReal Pro editor currently supports maximum 12 systems. New songs can be based on optional barline templates (up to 96 measures.*)You ca...
Change time signature
Go to the song you would like to edit, tap/click on the Edit icon.Tap/click on the measure where you'd like to change time signature. i...
Alternate Chords (small chords above staff )
The small chords above the regular chords are Alternate chords and when editing the song you need to switch to Alternate Chords mode: iPhone...
Insert/delete a measure (adjust bar size)
"+>" - adds a blank cell in the currently selected position shifting the following part of the chord progression of one beat/cell forward...
N.C. symbol / Break
The Player recognizes special symbols such as N.C. (No Chord) which will result in the chordal instruments dropping out for ...
Difference between "Set" and "Set and transpose" in the Editor
Select the desired key signature and press the Set and Transpose button in order to transpose all the chords in the song chart and set the ...
'END' symbol
The special END character controls the functioning of the Player.While playing the last chorus, the Player will end the song with ...
Add text to chart
Open the Editor. Tap on "abc" and enter the text you want.Use // to add second line of text.Tap on Done to exit the Text Editor. In t...
Rehearsal marks
1. Go to the song you would like to edit, tap/click on the Edit icon (pencil). 2. Tap/click on the first measure where you'd like the rehe...
Time signatures recognized by the player
The Player recognizes all the time signatures provided in the editor. However some styles will not play some time signatures (an error messa...
Remove symbols from chart
Open the Editor and move the cursor to the certain place in the bar where you have the symbol you want to remove.Press/tap the same button i...
Copy/paste in Editor
v2024.7 (or higher)Tap (or click) and hold on a measure (typically the first measure of your selection) until it selects, then either drag (...
Edit chords
To open the Editor, tap on the pencil in song viewhttps://technimo.helpshift.com/hc/en/3-ireal-pro/faq/245-editor-s-buttons/?p=androidThere ...
Revert song to original version
There is no Revert when editing a song, however a series of undos should take you backwards if you are still in the editor.Once you save the...
Transform a song into an iReal Pro chart
You need to know or have a chart of the chords of the song which you will enter in iReal Pro using the Editor.You cannot import music XML, P...
Oval symbol in the editor (invisible root)
The oval button indicates an invisible root. It can be used when you want to indicate a moving bass note without a change in the chords. D...
Coda symbol
The Coda symbol can be used in two different ways in iReal Pro to define how the form of a song is to be played.One way is to use the C...
Create new song
To create a New Song, tap into the main Song list, tap the + button and add title, composer, style, set the key (the key the chords will be ...
Copy/Paste in Editor
Either click and drag over the bars you want to copy;or use arrows to move to the space you want to start the selection from (or click it) t...
Copy/Paste in Editor
(v2024.7 or higher)Tap (or click) and hold on a measure (typically the first measure of your selection) and drag. Refine the range by moving...
Old Editor - Add text to chart
Open the Editor.Tap on the 'C7' button twice and it is going to change to 'abc' so you can enter your text.Tap on the Right arrow on the key...
Add text to chart
Open the Editor.Click in the Text field.Use // to add second line of text.When you click on Save, it will automatically save all your edits....
Create New Song
Either click Songs (Library on the left sidebar) or a specific playlist (if you want the song to list there as well);click the Pencil (top r...
Compound Time Signatures
Customize common odd time signatures using text (v2024.4 or higher)5/8, 5/4 can be played as 3+2 or 2+3 (default 3+2)7/8, 7/4 can be played ...
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