“-” = minor
“^” or “∆” triangle = major 7
“o” (circle) = dim = diminished
"o^" = o^7
“ø” (circle with a slash) = half-diminished (min7b5)
“add2” = add9
“-add2” = -add9 = m(add9) = min(add9)
“+” = augmented = #5
“^+” = ^#5 = ^7#5 = maj7#5
“^#11” = ^7#11 = maj7#11
“^b5” = ^7b5 = maj7b5
“7+” = 7#5 = dom7 augmented
“9+” = 9#5
“sus4” = sus
“sus2” = 2
“alt” = 7alt
“7susb9” = 7b9sus
“7susb9b13” = 7b13sus

C-6 (Cm6)
C-^ (CmMaj7 or Cmin(maj7))
C^#11 (C^7#11)
F/C (F with C in the bass, inversion)
C-add2 (Cm(add9))
C^+ (C#5 or C^7#5)

Available chords in iReal Pro:
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