For v2024.4 and higher
(Check for updates at the App store, but will not update for old OS versions)

You can use external/bluetooth/built-in keyboards with your device making it much quicker to edit. Also use the keyboard to trigger Play etc.


  • phones, tablets
  • Chromebooks
  • Android emulators
  • (Windows 11)

iPhone, iPad—Apple Smart/Magic Keyboard or paired wireless, bluetooth



General Song key commands

Previous/Next Song - iOS [left/right arrow] (Chromebook, see below)
Previous/Next Style - iOS [option left/right arrow], Android [ctrl left/right arrow]
Transpose - iOS [option down/up arrow], Android [ctrl down/up arrow]

Chromebook Previous/Next song: Chromebook users might be able to use the Tab or Down arrow a few times to select a song in the list (on the left), then press Enter to load the song, Space to start play. For the next song in the list, tap Down arrow, Enter.

Playing a song

Key commands screenshot from iOS below. (Hold down command key to see them—iPad only. Note, when in landscape, the virtual keyboard might block seeing the full screen of shortcuts).

Screenshot from iOS Play showing key commands. See text below 

Android/iOS Play key commands:

Play/Stop Spacebar toggles;
Pause period (full stop) key (.) toggling pause/play/pause
Repeats - decrease/increase  use [ and ] keys
Tempo - decrease/increase use - and = keys
Tap tempo - , use the comma key

LOOPING a section of a song

Android Loop: Click/hold on a space until it selects, then drag down, across (etc.) to complete the selection; or after the space selects, drag the blue selection handles to set your loop.
Play: either click the arrows in the first selected measure; or click the Play button; or press Spacebar

iOS Loop: Click/hold on a space until it selects, then drag down, across (etc.) to complete the selection; or after the space selects, drag the blue selection handles to set your loop.
Either click the arrows in the first selected measure or the Play button to begin loop play, or press Spacebar.


Key commands screenshot from iOS below.

Screenshot of key commands from iOS for editor

Android/iOS Editing key commands:

[Ctrl for Android /Cmd for iOS]

Edit Ctrl/Cmd-E to Edit the song chart
Save Ctrl/Cmd-S Save the song while editing
Close Ctrl/Cmd-W Close the editor
Enter/Return (Next) moves the cursor to the next space (or use arrows)


Barlines (left barlines only)

Ctrl/Cmd-B repeatedly to cycle barline types

Backspace/Delete button

pressed repeatedly, the cursor will reverse towards the beginning of the chart deleting chords, symbols, text one-by-one as it moves backwards

Chord symbols

use your keyboard to type in the chords, if preferred
Make sure you enter the more complex symbols in the correct character sequence.

Example 1
f 7 b 9 (for F7b9)
d b s u s (for Dbsus)
fadd9 (Fadd9)
eb^-69 (Eb^-69)
d7/c (D7/C)
Use Enter/Return key (Next) to move through the next spaces.

Example 2
for a bar with E7 type: e 7 [Enter/Return] a few times then Ctrl/Cmd-B for the next barline
Click the buttons for Coda (or Segno, Fermata, End) Rehearsal letters, etc.

Info (Song title, composer, style, default key)


Invisible chord/inversion (bass note)

w / [then chord letter] (For example w/g for /G)

N.C. (no chord, drums remain playing)

n type letter n on your keyboard

use the arrows (up, down, left, right) to move around the chart (although a mouse click or screen tap is quick)

Repeat symbols

use % for single repeat of previous measure
use x for repeat the last two bars. For example: (x [Enter] Ctrl/Cmd-B [Enter]...)

Slash /

/ key on your keyboard


Add space, click a space

Delete space, click a space

Text (add text or DC, DS indications etc.)

Ctrl/Cmd-T (not on Chromebooks)
Android: to exit click the x
iOS: press the Return key or click the x




To make a selection:
Click and hold on a measure (typically the first measure of your selection.) Move the blue selection handles to select the measure range. Use the usual key commands for Cut, Copy, Paste
PASTE - double click a space, Ctrl-V (Moves subsequent measures forward)
More here Copy and Paste

Use arrows to move the cursor to the desired location to start the selection area (or mouse click);
while holding down Shift, continue using arrows (e.g. right or down arrows) to select measures. Use the standard key commands for cut, copy, paste.
PASTE - double click the space (or use arrows), Ctrl-V
(Moves subsequent measures forward)
More here Copy and Paste


[Ctrl for Android /Cmd for iOS]

Cut Ctrl/Cmd-X
Copy Ctrl/Cmd-C
Paste insert Ctrl/Cmd-V

Delete space Ctrl/Cmd-Backspace/Delete
Insert space Ctrl/Cmd-\
See Adjust bar size

Undo Ctrl/Cmd-Z
Clear selection Esc key