Tap/Click the Share button -> Export Chord Chart
Apple - Share button - square with arrow
Android - Share button is different
Share button icon Android
Android emulator (see this)
Windows (Amazon) see this
[Mac only - to save a song in iReal Pro format, drag its name on to the Desktop (you have to be out of Full screen to do this)]
Select from the options:
iReal Pro Format (html): share it with your iReal Pro bandmates via email, Dropbox, AirDrop or any other cloud service so they can import it into their device (with iReal Pro installed).
Mac: this option is Save to disk (Save to Desktop or iCloud Drive etc.). See "Share" below for email etc. options
PDF: print the chart, share it with a musician who doesn't have iReal Pro, import into a PDF music app
Image: (Android only) jpg for Printing, or sharing with others
Forums: it will copy the song code to your clipboard.
Log in to the forum and paste the content of the clipboard into a post in the related forum area;
or log in to iReal Pro Forum, go to Sandbox, start a new thread and post your list. You can access the posted link from your other devices and share it with fellow musicians (to import).
MusicXML: create a chart and import it into a music notation software like SibeliusFinale, or the free MuseScore. Used for chords (not MIDI notes) according to the song’s form.
More info here about exporting to MIDI.
Share: (Mac only) use this option to share the song in iReal Pro format to Email, Apple Messages, AirDrop etc.
Print: (Apple only) Print to connected/wireless printers (iOS, Mac)